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Texas A&M Law Master of Legal Studies | Wealth Management

Our MLS in Wealth Management gives you the knowledge and skills you need to advise wealthy clients and help manage their assets. It’s designed for financial advisors, business analysts, chief financial officers, managing directors of wealth management, directors of financial planning, and other wealth management professionals. You’ll develop the expertise that you need to navigate a range of wealth management complexities.

Time to Complete: Est. 1-2 years (30 Credit hours)

Modality: Online

Three Starts Per Year: Fall, Spring, Summer

Tuition: $33,825

“I deal with sophisticated [high net worth] clients all over the nation. The credentials obtained from such a highly respected School of Law are an immediate ice-breaker and provide immediate respect when initially speaking with potential clients and among professional colleagues.”

- Laura L. Kirby ’20
Many of the faculty who teach in the Wealth Management program are full-time faculty at the law school and business school — giving you access to nationally recognized experts. The adjunct faculty who teach our specialized courses are industry leaders eager to share a lifetime of learning with a practical focus.

The Strength of the Aggie Network

Obtaining a degree from Texas A&M University — a Tier 1 research institution and one of the largest universities in the U.S. — will give you a marketable credential recognized around the world. The Aggie network spans the globe, with nearly 600,000 former students in over 160 countries.

Who can benefit from an MLS in Wealth Management?

The field of wealth management typically involves the coordination of multiple experts in fields that range from accounting to law. This collaboration, along with their own highly specialized credentials, allows wealth managers to oversee all aspects of estate tax administration and other complex financial matters. In order to manage the finances of high-net-worth individuals, extensive wealth management education is critical. To excel in this profession, most wealth managers complete a graduate-level program, and earning an MLS from Texas A&M gives you the advanced skills and resources to handle the complex functions that go hand in hand with managing large sums of money for wealthy families and individuals. Our MLS degree candidates have a variety of backgrounds, including but not limited to:

  • Account relationship managers
  • Business analysts
  • CFOs
  • Directors of business development
  • Directors of financial planning
  • Financial advisors
  • Financial planners
  • Individual and institutional wealth managers
  • Investment counselors
  • Portfolio managers
  • Private bankers
  • Relationship managers

“As a financial planner, I feel I owe it to my current and future clients to be at the top of my career field. The program has been a perfect fit. I have been able to learn at a high level from some of the best minds in the industry. I was immediately able to implement content in Financial Innovation, Estate Planning, and Taxation for complex wealth management cases in my career.”

- Chad Kennedy ’22

Master of Legal Studies | Wealth Management Curriculum

We’ve customized the online MLS with an emphasis on wealth management for non-lawyers — giving you both up-to-date knowledge of the law, as well as the real-world skills you’ll need to tackle the challenges faced by today’s wealth managers.

The Master of Legal Studies in Wealth Management is a 30-credit-hour program. Candidates typically enroll in two courses per semester, which allows them to reach eligibility to graduate within two years. Candidates also have the flexibility as to how many courses to enroll in each semester, subject to university program rules.

Supported, Online Learning

We offer the convenience and flexibility of asynchronous online learning without sacrificing the caliber of education that you expect from a top-tier law school. Using Canvas, online learners experience an intuitive, user-friendly design, and our highly engaged faculty use tools that promote instructor-to-student and student-to-student interaction — all from the comfort of your own home or study environment. And because we know that many of our students are working professionals, we have support staff available on nights and weekends.